Search to See If You Already Have a Username and Password

Before you create a new account, please use the form below to search for yourself in our records.  Enter a little information about yourself and search results will show in the window below. If there are no results or if none of the people listed are actually you, click on the link that says, "My name is not listed, help me create an account."

If you find your name listed with an old email address, please contact TCIA Membership team, who can work with you to update your profile. 
The Membership team can be contacted by email at or 1-800-733-2622.

TIPS FOR SEARCHING BY NAME: If you are unsure whether we have your full name or informal or a shortened form in our records, try using the "Nickname" field instead of "First Name". Example: If you are Robert, maybe you are in our records as Bob (in this example try Bob in both "First Name" and "Nickname" for best results).

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